Driven by obsessive ideas and an uncontrollable will of producing quality ambience, Henrik Nordvargr Björkk is a man of many projects – MZ.412, Folkstorm, Toroidh, not to mention the successful collaborations with Masami Akita (aka Merzbow) -, but it’s under his given name and very own grim fashion that he delivers the most suffocating music around.
Nordvargr manages to capture the spirit of bleakness like no other artist. The different shades of black and grey he paints with have never been more disturbing and at the same time more beautiful. The real Nordic giant of modern dark ambient music.
Words On Previous Releases
"Planets imploding struggling to be heard through the deadness of space. A barely there smear of subsonic thrum, gorgeously serene, like a peaceful boat trip, drifting lazily down a river of black pitch, through the blackened caverns of the underworld. Definitely one of the most evocative, and brilliantly bleak collections of drone musick in recent memory!" (Aquarius Records)
"Stunning in its scope and power this recording reminds you why music is such a powerful aphrodisiac. Henrik Nordvargr Bjorkk. We who are about to buy your latest offering thank you and salute you once again." (Aural Pressure)
"I am numb. I am assimilating to the otherworldliness of this environment. There is no turning back I find myself standing on the precipice of an abyss. The void of space is no longer silent. The tinkerings of inhuman beings continue. Adjustments are made. I have been retrofitted with the equipment necessary for survival. I am imbued with knowledge that goes deeper than the intellect will allow verbal expression. The outlanders depart, leaving me on this brutal planet to continue my work. Again I am alone, but now with a gnosis of inexpressible profundity. There could be no other way." (Chain DLK)